RIGHT NOW There's A Customer At Your Website.
So, Who's Talking To Him And Making The Sale?
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
A few minutes ago a customer dropped by your website.
He's been looking for something, thinks you might have it,
but has questions which need answers before he purchases.
Have you got interactivity on your site, the means, that is,
of allowing your customers to talk LIVE to you so their
questions and concerns can be immediately dealt with and
the sale made?
Or are you still in the Internet Dark Ages trying to make do with
nothing more than a form which enables that customer to email in
questions, which you'll get around to when you feel like it? If this
sounds like your website situation, listen up because your lack of
interactivity is costing you money EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Do You Know What Your Customers Want? Attention When
They Want It!
Have you thought lately about how customer friendly your website
is? Have you walked through what a customer must do to do
business with you? If you expect to make money online, you
need to understand both what your customer wants from you
and whether you can deliver it.
When customers arrive at your site they want to know help
is available when they need it. Thus, you need the means to
greet your customers and let them know you're available to assist
them -- when THEY are ready to be helped!
Can you do this at your website now? Can you greet your
customers? Can you let them know you're there to help?
Or do you have nothing more than the old-time conventional
website which really is just an electronic circular or bulletin board?
The Customer's Ready For Help. Are You Ready To Provide It?
Okay, the customer has browsed and now has questions.
How are you going to answer these questions, given the fact
that the speed and thoroughness with which you answer them
will probably either make or break the sale?
The usual, out-moded, conventional website offers nothing
more than the chance to click on 'contact us' with only the
possibility of some later response. But the customer is interested
NOW! The customer wants to get his questions answered
NOW! The customer is ready to buy NOW! Sadly, the only
thing you're offering is 'we'll get back to you as soon as we
That's not marketing. It's anti-marketing; the perfect way
to kill the sale and turn off that customer with a pulse who's
ready to proceed NOW!
People Buy When People Talk To Them!
The crazy notion exists that somehow making a sale online
is different from making a sale offline. Rubbish. When you go
into a store, you want a salesperson to come up, offer his
assistance, step back until you need it, then provide it
graciously and knowledgeably. The same is true online.
It's ridiculous to think that the 'here's the information, take it
or leave it' approach is anything other than daft.
Your customers, like all customers, want to speak to you
about their questions, qualms, and concerns when they're
ready -- not when you get around to responding to emails.
Knowing this, just how long will it take you to give your
customers what they want -- so you get the sales you need?
As the Internet matures, it's clear who's profiting, who's
not and why. This is irrefutable: if you want the sale,
talk to your customer -- which means making sure you have
website interactivity.
It is absolutely necessary for your Internet success.
Resource Box
A good place to look for affordable interactive options
is Worldprofit. This well-known company offers a Free
Membership. Use it to review your options and,
because they're interactive, talk to real people about
what works best for you. Start here.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the best-
known marketers on earth. Dr. Lant's free online webcasts
draw people worldwide who want to profit on the Internet
every day. If that's your objective, go here, as Dr. Lant's
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