Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In The Publisher\'s Spotlight: Renowned Marketer Dr. Jeffrey Lant


In The Publisher's Spotlight: Renowned Marketer Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Preface by the Publisher: In this issue we're pleased to
bring you an exclusive interview with internationally known
marketer Dr. Jeffrey Lant. A Ph.D. Graduate of Harvard
University, Dr. Lant has written 16 of the best known business
development and marketing books in the world. Well known
to television and radio audiences internationally, he has also
authored hundreds of practical articles on entrepreneurial
success. His exclusive comments for our readers will help
build your profitable online business starting today.

Publisher:  Dr. Lant, let's cut right to the chase. What
in your estimation is the #1 problem facing folks trying to
build a business online?

Dr. Lant: Without question it's the lack of website inter-
activity. Right now, the average business person online
is trying to make money with a website that's little more
than a glorified bulletin board. They just post information.

Visitors go to such sites and find the only way to get help
is to click on 'contact me', fill out a form and hope for the
best. This isn't customer service. It's customer disservice.
Yes, site owners are trying to get away with constant substandard
service that they themselves would never tolerate in real
life. As a result, they're losing money ever single day.

Publisher: Good point. So where should website owners
start to solve this problem?

Dr. Lant:  First, it's a question of these owners recognizing
the problem. They have to realize that people online expect
the same high level of customer service as they do when
shopping offline. Sadly, this recognition is not yet general.

Second, they have to add the interactive function to their
websites so that their customers can talk to them and they
can talk to their customers. Only a tiny fraction of website
owners have done this so far.

Publisher: So, how do website owners cope with the fact
that the Web is open 24/7 internationally and that they'll
need total site coverage to be able to deal personally and
efficiently with all visitors?

Dr. Lant: Smart companies like Worldprofit, Inc. are
solving this problem. They have developed an amazing
tool called the LIVE Business Center. The LBC is manned
by trained professionals from around the world who
provide live customer service 24/7.

When the website owner wants to deal with his visitor
traffic personally, he presses a button. When he wants
a break and wants the live personnel (Worldprofit calls
them 'monitors') to work with the visitors, he presses
the same button. This way each website owner gets
24 hour visitor coverage. Predictably, their sales soar.

Publisher: As usual, Dr. Lant, you've got your finger on
the pulse of Web success. Thanks for sharing with our

Dr. Lant: My pleasure.

Resource Box

For information on Worldprofit's interactive options and
the LIVE Business Center, sign up as a Free Member.

SPECIAL: All readers of this publication are entitled to
attend Dr. Lant's next online money-making webcast FREE!
As soon as you've signed up to become a Free Member,
log in and ask for dates and times of Dr. Lant's programs
and to be placed on the VIP list.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the best-
known marketers on earth. Dr. Lant's free online webcasts
draw people worldwide who want to profit on the Internet
every day. If that's your objective, go to and attend today's
program as Dr. Lant's guest.

To get more articles and talk to our LIVE staff in the member
area sign up here.



Monday, June 28, 2010

Tricks and Theory Behind the Search Engine

The other day I was talking with an old friend
of mine who has a business selling health products
through her website. She's spent a lot of money
developing her website and her product is one of
the best out there, but she just wasn't getting
enough visitors to her site to make it all worthwhile.
She told me that a couple of months ago when she
searched for her site on Google it was on page six.
Page six! Who ever looks on page six?! The amazing
thing is that now she's on page #1 for her region and
things are finally picking up.

It sounded to me like she'd employed some
smart alec search engine optimization company
to fix up her website, but she said no -- she
did it all herself! I was astonished to say the
least. Let me say this lady is NOT a webmaster
extraordinaire or a marketing guru. She's just
a single mom making products on her kitchen table.
How did she get so good at search engine optimization?

She told me that someone had put her onto a free
program called Traffic Travis. "It's harder to
explain than it is to use!" she joked. Basically
it's a piece of software with all the tools used
by these professional search engine optimization
companies. It helps you find the right search terms
to focus on, then it analyzes your site, analyzes
your competitors' sites, shows you your linking
relationships and pulls all the information you need
into one screen.

You have to remember, though, that this lady is
just a stay-at-home mom who didn't know her Google
PR from her elbow. Fortunately the software came
with tutorials that explained important concepts
as well as how to use the software, AND some
really comprehensive bonus material which revealed
all the tricks and theory behind the search engines.
"Once you start to read about it you just want to
learn more. And then once you've learned more, you
want to analyze your site down to its bones. And
then you want to analyze everyone else. It's totally
addictive! I never knew that stuff was there!"

Armed with this knowledge she was able to tweak
her site and within a couple of weeks she was seeing
a real increase in traffic. "The site is finally
starting to pay for itself! It's my baby, it's so
nice to see it growing!"

If you've got an online business struggling because
you're simply not getting enough visitors, then I
encourage you to take my friend's lead.

When you consider how much you'll learn and how much
extra business you could earn, and the fact that the
software is FREE... I think it's at least worth
taking a look, don't you?


Your Competition are using this ..

Not too long ago we witnessed the launch of the
new, F-R-E-E Traffic Travis 3.0, to amazing success.
Thousands of people have seized the opportunity and
downloaded this outstanding tool, and they're
already using it to gain an edge over their
competition in the search engines.

If you haven't downloaded it already, then you
should be aware that your competition probably has.
Ask yourself -- Do you really want to be giving them a
head start using this? Or are you wanting to be ahead
of the game yourself?

Here are just some of the tools you'll find inside.
Remember it doesn't cost anything, it's F-R-E-E!

Page analysis: Almost like having an SEO expert look
at your webpage and tell you what you are doing right,
and what you are doing wrong. This tool does all that,
and then gives you solutions for improving your on-page
SEO! Oh, it also gives you a grade. Are you an A+ student,
or is your site going to flunk?

Position ranking: Keeps a daily, weekly or monthly record
of exactly where your website is ranked for any search term.
Check all the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN Live,
Ask and Altavista) and see whether you're going up in the
search engines ... or down.

Keyword finder: A cutting edge keyword finder tool to give you
a huge number of relevant keywords.

Keyword sorter: An essential keyword sorter tool that
enables you to categorize extremely large lists of keywords
into targeted adgroups for PPC purposes.

Top sites for keywords: Quickly find all the top sites
for your various keywords... then analyze them to see if
you can steal some of their tricks.

Backlinks to site: Who is linking to you? Who is linking
to your competitors? What pagerank are they? What anchor
text are they using? Checking all this information by hand
would be a full-time job, but Traffic Travis does it with
just one click. And by analyzing your competitors with this
tool you can find other great sites to buy/trade links with.

Keywords/details: Discover how many advertisers are
advertising on each keyword and whether there's a heavy
turnover in advertisers. This could mean that the keyword
isn't as profitable as everyone thinks!

Top sites for keywords: Who are the biggest players in
your niche? Which keywords are they bidding on? Suss out
who your major competitors are, and then analyze their
campaign. After all... they must be making money...

Websites Keyword list: A more indepth keyword snooping tool...
this shows you whether competitors keep advertising on a
particular word, or whether they drop it periodically.
(Consistently advertising on a keyword means it must be
really profitable!) This tool also easily shows ad ranking
position, so you can see which positions seem to work the best...

There's loads more, I could go on all day. But it's
probably more interesting for you to go and download it
and see for yourself! After all... it doesn't cost anything!

If you delay and regret it later, don't say I didn't
recommend that you do this now :)


The Brief History of Email

Relying Exclusively On Email To Build Your Business?
You'll SOON Be Out Of Business
Email is perhaps the most well-known tool that's emerged from the Internet.
It's universal. It's cheap. And every newbie can't wait to use it to build their
online business. After all, it's a synch, right? Email somebody. Make money.
A Brief History Of Email
Back in 1994, email was new and exciting. You sat down at your computer,
created your message, emailed it. Voila, people actually responded. Light
bulbs went off in heads worldwide: this was an unbelievable bonanza. That
something you could get for a pittance was certain to generate gigantic
returns. Wowser!
And so the email rush began until in short order, all of us buried in the stuff,
the counter-revolution took shape: the rush to keep the torrents of email being
sent from getting to -- you! All sorts of systems emerged that stopped email
dead in its tracks. Someone would think of a way to help email get through.
Someone else invented a way to block it. Net result: studies now show that up
to 99% of the email that's sent is actually stopped, never reaching the person
for whom it's intended, the person you expected to buy.
What does this mean for you? It means that the rosy figuring you've
been doing about all the money you're going to make with email is
COMPLETELY erroneous. Consider this common example: a fellow
told me the other day he'd purchased a 'sure-thing' opt-in list of
100,000. He said he expected a 1% return with 1000 people buying
his $49.95 item. Yes, a quick and painless $50,000!!! He was already
spending that money in his head when I talked to him.
He hired a copywriter for $2000 to write his sizzling message; (when
you're 'sure' of making $50,000, spending $2000 more is 'nothing').
Then he emailed... and waited. A day. Two days. A week. Then grim
The 'sure thing' $50,000 gain had turned into a sure loss of over $2,000.
This is why good judgement is said to be the result of bad experience.
So, How Do You Build An Online Business Then? By Getting An
Interactive Website And TALKING To People
The crazy notion has grown up on the 'net that there is something
entirely different about doing business online and doing business offline.
Rubbish. Consider what you as a customer want when you go into an
offline store.
You want a staffer to greet you and ask what assistance you
need. You want that staffer to direct you courteously and
knowledgeably. You want professional help as and when you
need it, but not someone who hovers. Isn't that about the size of it?
Well, guess what? Your customers want the same thing from you.
That is, they want to be greeted by you live when they visit your
website. They want to know that they can get their queries answered
and concerns handled promptly by someone polite and informative.
Finally, when they're ready to place an order, they want your assistance.
In other words, if you expect to profit online, there's no effortless
means where you simply have to email a message, then stand by
waiting for a torrent of cash. You have to work your business,
day in, day out which means TALKING to folks.
Online, as offline, you build your business by TALKING TO one
customer at a time. Talking to them, answering their questions, being
generally helpful and available.
If this discourages you, maybe business  isn't your cup of
tea. But if you accept the fact that ALL businesses are built one
customer at a time, then you're ready to do what it takes to
use the 'net to your daily advantage. Thus, do this: transform your
website into an interactive business emporium where you can greet
and work with people inexpensively worldwide. Talking to your
customers; this is the real benefit of the Web, and you can start
doing and profiting from it today.
Website interactivity -- not misunderstood email -- is what makes you
rich online. Don't wait another minute to get and use it. That's
how you get rich online, not by gambling on email.
Resource Box
A good place to look for affordable interactive options
is Worldprofit. This well-known company offers a Free
Membership. Use it to review your options and,
because they're interactive, talk to real people about
what works best for you. Start here.

RIGHT NOW There's A Customer At Your Website.

RIGHT NOW There's A Customer At Your Website.
So, Who's Talking To Him And Making The Sale
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
A few minutes ago a customer dropped by your website.
He's been looking for something, thinks you might have it,
but has questions which need answers before he purchases.
Have you got interactivity on your site, the means, that is,
of allowing your customers to talk LIVE to you so their
questions and concerns can be immediately dealt with and
the sale made?
Or are you still in the Internet Dark Ages trying to make do with
nothing more than a form which enables that customer to email in
questions, which you'll get around to when you feel like it? If this
sounds like your website situation, listen up because your lack of
interactivity is costing you money EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Do You Know What Your Customers Want? Attention When
They Want It!
Have you thought lately about how customer friendly your website
is? Have you walked through what a customer must do to do
business with you? If you expect to make money online, you
need to understand both what your customer wants from you
and whether you can deliver it.
When customers arrive at your site they want to know help
is available when they need it. Thus, you need the means to
greet your customers and let them know you're available to assist
them -- when THEY are ready to be helped!
Can you do this at your website now? Can you greet your
customers? Can you let them know you're there to help?
Or do you have nothing more than the old-time conventional
website which really is just an electronic circular or bulletin board?
The Customer's Ready For Help. Are You Ready To Provide It?
Okay, the customer has browsed and now has questions.
How are you going to answer these questions, given the fact
that the speed and thoroughness with which you answer them
will probably either make or break the sale?
The usual, out-moded, conventional website offers nothing
more than the chance to click on 'contact us' with only the
possibility of some later response. But the customer is interested
NOW! The customer wants to get his questions answered
NOW! The customer is ready to buy NOW! Sadly, the only
thing you're offering is 'we'll get back to you as soon as we
That's not marketing. It's anti-marketing; the perfect way
to kill the sale and turn off that customer with a pulse who's
ready to proceed NOW!
People Buy When People Talk To Them!
The crazy notion exists that somehow making a sale online
is different from making a sale offline. Rubbish. When you go
into a store, you want a salesperson to come up, offer his
assistance, step back until you need it, then provide it
graciously and knowledgeably. The same is true online.
It's ridiculous to think that the 'here's the information, take it
or leave it' approach is anything other than daft.
Your customers, like all customers, want to speak to you
about their questions, qualms, and concerns when they're
ready -- not when you get around to responding to emails.
Knowing this, just how long will it take you to give your
customers what they want -- so you get the sales you need?
As the Internet matures, it's clear who's profiting, who's
not and why. This is irrefutable: if you want the sale,
talk to your customer -- which means making sure you have
website interactivity.
It is absolutely necessary for your Internet success.
Resource Box
A good place to look for affordable interactive options
is Worldprofit. This well-known company offers a Free
Membership. Use it to review your options and,
because they're interactive, talk to real people about
what works best for you. Start here.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the best-
known marketers on earth. Dr. Lant's free online webcasts
draw people worldwide who want to profit on the Internet
every day. If that's your objective, go here, as Dr. Lant's

Friday, June 25, 2010

Traffic Travis Has Been Released Now


I'm really happy to announce that Traffic Travis 3.0
has just been released, and is available for you to
download RIGHT NOW.

So don't let me keep you... go grab it now! It doesn't
cost a bean and it's packed full of killer tools for
both SEO and PPC campaigns.

These tools include:

On-page SEO analysis - This is great, it's like having
your own personal SEO expert taking a look at your
webpages and giving you hints for improving your
search engine rankings.

Competition analysis - find out exactly what keywords
your competitors are bidding on

Keyword research - find thousands of related keywords

Backlink checker - find out what sites are linking to
you (and your competition), what their page rank is,
and other essential details.

There's so much more inside, but you know what?
It doesn't cost anything, so you may as well test
drive it for yourself!

You can download Traffic Travis 3.0 right now and start using it right away:

Newest Cutting-Edge Search Optimization


I meant for this to be a suprise, but it
appears the cat's out of the bag after some
beta-testers started giving this software away
like wildfire.

The newest edition of the cutting-edge search
engine optimization software, Traffic Travis,
is going to be released to the public on
within a WEEK.

... And it will cost you NOTHING...

Yup, you heard me right. Traffic Travis 3.0 will
be available on Thursday the 14th and you can
make use of all the powerful tools without
spending a penny.

It has so many wonderfully useful features that
it'd be a drag to listen to me going on about all
of them. I'll mention a couple though, then you
can watch the video tour.

Or if you are in a rush, watch the tour here

One of the features that I love, is that it will
do an on-page SEO analysis of your webpages.

It's almost like having an SEO expert look at your
webpage and tell you what you are doing right, and
what you are doing wrong. And then give you solutions
for improving your on-page SEO. Traffic Travis does
all that.

And no, they didn't forget the off-page stuff, that
is all in the software too. Along with PPC competition
analysis (find out what keywords your competition is
bidding on in Adwords) and a lot more!

Here's the video tour, go check it out



Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Download the Secret to Blogging


You now can download the unheard of blogging system that produced $25,956 in profit... In a single day...

Blogging Espionage just launched on Tuesday and already has the industry up in arms after revealing a totally
new and unheard of loophole for cashing in on a billion dollar industry.

Now, the creator is putting his money where his mouth is and is actually guaranteeing that you've never seen this
powerful method before...

... He'll give you $100 if you have

Now, Blogging Espionage only went live Tuesday and there's only 300 copies available.

I just heard from Rob that these are just about sold so if  you don't download this now then you're going to miss out on this brand new strategy for good.